Thursday, February 11, 2010


If I could have any superpower in the world, I would choose invisibility. As un-original as this power may be, it offers endless amazing possibilities. For instance, you could secretly sit in on UN meetings or top secret government conferences. If I had the power of invisibility, I could hide on a first class jet ride to a exclusively tropical island and take a vacation. The options in which to use this superpower, are endless. The reason this super power is triumphant over all other super powers is because it is so diverse. For example, why would you want to hear what people are thinking of you, if you could just invisibly sit in on their conversations? When people are asked what super power they would want to have, many quickly answer the generic answer of, flying. However, I've always believed that flying is extremely overrated. I believe flying would be a lot like running, it would be very tiring and stamina would need to be built up. The idea of invisibility is magical to me, it's a super power that would never become boring or dull.

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