Thursday, June 10, 2010

Slumdog Millionaire

Ram Mohammad Thomas is an exceptional person. I became aware of this in the prologue of the novel, 'Slumdog Millionaire'. Born into poverty he fights through several unfortunate events that just seem to find him. Ram survives these events because he is a leader. Through out the entire book people in need gravitate towards Ram, as though he is the person who will solve everything. And he does. Whether it be freeing Guidya from her alcoholic sexually abusing father or saving a train full of passangers from murderous robber, he commits all these amazing acts and is unexplainably rewarded for them. He is rewarded by Guidya finding him later in life and serving him as his lawyer in a time of need. He is rewarded by winning one billion rupees on a game show. Finally, he is rewarded by falling deeply in love with the Neeta. The novel, 'Slumdog Millionaire' contains many different ideas. Such as, the theories of karma and luck or the idea of writing your own destiny. All three of these aspects help explain the series of events which make up Ram Mohammad Thomas' life. Although I found understanding these ideas very difficult at times, after I finished the book, I felt educated about them. Since finishing 'Slumdog Millionaire', the story line and characters spontaneously enter my mind; showing me that I was truly touched by the novel.

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