Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

1) Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job?

I strongly believe it is important to be passionate about your job. Having a career that you are passionate about adds to your quality of life. With that being said, I don't believe that people who aren't in love with their jobs lead unhappy lives. I like to think that most are content with their lives because they have never known a career they are passionate about, therefore, they have never experienced life at its fullest. The perfect example of job importance is my mom, Naomi. A woman who believes strongly in fate and destiny. As the literacy coordinator of Penticton, she is very passionate about her job. A few months ago she was offered a HR management job for a large corporate company, this job would have paid more and offered more benefits, however, she knew she wouldn't be as passionate about it. She said her job right now was meant to be, and that her gut told her that she had to stay with it. Her job right now is her favorite subject to talk about, its her favorite thing to do, its her life. Thinking about my mom and her career choice makes me even more confidant that passion for your job is extremely important.

2) What do you plan to do with your life (career wise)? How do you plan to get there?

I find these questions extremely daunting and intimidating. The reality is, as a seventeen year old girl, I am very unsure what my future holds. Because of this, I'm very jealous of my fellows grads who seem to have their lives planned out. But on the other hand, I worry for them. If you have your entire career planned out, potentially, your are setting your self up for failure. If you are open to your future and plan to embrace what ever comes your way, like me, I think you might end up more successful in life. I don't mean more successful in your job status or financially. I mean more successful at life; happier, stronger, more content. I'm rambling... back to the original question. Next year I plan to attend UVIC, I plan to complete my Bachelor in Social working. After I do this, I'm going to explore the world, I'm going to travel to places unknown and live freely. Then... I'm going to go back to UVIC and complete my Masters in Social Working. I've spoken to many social workers and they all agree that a Masters degree is the smartest thing you can do. This is a very hypothetical plan, these are my goals but if my goals are completely different in a years time... that will be just fine with me.

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